Week 9: Living as Instruments of Peace
In this final week, the focus shifts to becoming active participants in spreading God’s peace. As His ambassadors, we are called to share His peace through our lives, words, and actions.

Day 53: Blessed Are the Peacemakers


Matthew 5:9  Blessed (enjoying enviable happiness, spiritually prosperous–with life-joy and satisfaction in God’s favour and salvation, regardless of their outward conditions) are the makers and maintainers of peace, for they shall be called the sons of God! 

 Focus: The calling to be peacemakers as children of God in the world around us.

Jesus teaches that peacemakers are blessed and will be recognised as God’s children because they embody the heart of God’s character. Being a peacemaker goes beyond simply avoiding conflict. It involves intentional and active efforts to promote reconciliation, harmony, and understanding, even in challenging and tense situations. It means stepping into situations where peace is absent and bringing the light of God’s love, patience, and wisdom.

As believers, we are called to reflect God’s peace to the world, just as Jesus did. This calling requires humility, courage, and grace, especially when faced with circumstances where division, hostility, or injustice prevail. Peacemakers are not passive; they seek to build bridges instead of walls, fostering understanding and compassion where others might sow discord.

Through our actions, words, and attitudes, we can become instruments of peace in a broken world. This involves choosing to speak life instead of fueling negativity, showing kindness even when undeserved, and offering forgiveness instead of holding onto resentment. It also means advocating for justice and unity while remaining grounded in the truth of God’s Word.

Being a peacemaker aligns us with God’s purpose, as He desires His children to represent His kingdom of peace in a world filled with conflict and turmoil. When we embrace this role, we experience God’s blessings and shine His light for others to see, drawing them closer to Him. Let us commit to being peacemakers, reflecting God’s love and peace in every interaction and situation.


 Lord, I confess that I have not always pursued peace with diligence. Forgive me for moments of strife and division, and help me reflect Your peace. I AM A PEACEMAKER, reflecting God’s peace to those around me.


 Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Teach me how to promote unity and reconciliation in my relationships. Fill me with wisdom and grace as I reflect Your heart.


 Seek out one relationship where you can bring peace this week, whether by offering forgiveness, listening with empathy, or resolving a conflict. Look for opportunities today to bring peace to situations of conflict. Let your words and actions be a reflection of God’s peace.


Peacemaking is an essential mark of a child of God. Be intentional about bringing peace to those around you. We are called to bring God’s peace into the world, acting as His ambassadors of reconciliation.

Day 54: Pursue Peace with All People

“Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness, no one will see the Lord.” – Hebrews 12:14

The importance of making every effort for peace and holiness in all relationships.

Pursuing peace with all people is not merely a suggestion but a command rooted in God’s desire for unity and love among His children. This pursuit is an active, intentional choice that often requires humility, forgiveness, and sacrificial love. Peace does not come automatically, especially in conflict or difficult relationships. It takes effort to lay aside pride, let go of grudges, and extend grace to others, even when it feels undeserved. This would include our siblings in Christ, as well as unbelievers. Never let yourself be the reason for an un-peaceful relationship with another person.

Choosing peace reflects our obedience to God and our desire to live as Christ lived. It demonstrates the power of the gospel, which reconciles us to God and one another. When we actively seek peace, we reflect God’s heart, for He is the ultimate peacemaker who reconciled the world to Himself through Jesus.

This call to pursue peace also goes hand in hand with the pursuit of holiness. Holiness is about being set apart for God; part of that calling is prioritising unity and harmony in our relationships. Living in peace with others is a testimony to God’s transforming work in us, showing the world His love, grace, and power.

However, pursuing peace is not always easy. It often means stepping into uncomfortable situations, taking the first step toward reconciliation, or choosing to forgive when it feels difficult. It may require setting aside our desires or letting go of our need to be “right.” But as we rely on the Holy Spirit, He gives us the strength, wisdom, and courage to make peace with others.

Ultimately, striving for peace with others allows us to experience God’s peace in our hearts. It frees us from the burden of unresolved conflicts and helps us to live in a way that honours God. As we choose to pursue peace, we become agents of His love and instruments of reconciliation in a world that desperately needs both.

Reflection Questions:

  1. Are there any relationships in your life where you have avoided pursuing peace? Why?
  2. How does your view of God’s forgiveness and grace impact your willingness to extend forgiveness to others?
  3. In what ways can pursuing peace in your relationships reflect God’s character to the people around you?
  4. What fears, pride, or obstacles might hold you back from striving for peace with someone?
  5. How can you rely on the Holy Spirit to guide you in handling conflicts or broken relationships?

I acknowledge that I sometimes avoid pursuing peace because it feels hard or uncomfortable, but I thank You for the peace You have made available to me through Jesus Christ. 

Father, forgive me for allowing fear or pride to hinder me from reflecting Your love and peace in my relationships. Help me to be intentional in living peaceably with all people and to trust You in the process, even when it is challenging. Give me the courage to prioritise relationships, the humility to admit my faults, and the grace to forgive others. Teach me to handle conflicts with wisdom and love, reflecting Your heart in all I do.

Identify a challenging relationship in your life, pray about it, and, as led by the Lord, take one intentional step toward pursuing peace today. This could involve praying for the person, reaching out with a kind word or gesture, or taking a reconciling action to restore harmony.

Striving for peace with all others is both an act of obedience to God and a reflection of His peace in our lives. When we pursue peace, we honour God and create space for His love and unity to shine through us.


Day 55: Speaking Peace into Storms

“He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, ‘Quiet! Be still!’ Then the wind died down, and it was completely calm.” – Mark 4:39

Declaring God’s peace in the midst of chaos and trusting His power to calm every storm.

In the midst of a raging storm, Jesus spoke peace, and the winds and waves obeyed Him. This miracle reminds us of the power of God’s Word to bring calm and order, no matter how overwhelming our circumstances may seem.

Similarly, as followers of Christ, we are called to speak peace into the storms of our lives and the lives of others. This doesn’t mean denying the reality of chaos or difficulty but acknowledging God’s sovereignty and trusting His ability to bring resolution. Our words carry power when they are rooted in faith, aligned with God’s promises, and spoken with authority in Jesus’ name.

Speaking peace begins with a heart at rest in God’s presence. When we trust in Him, our words become an overflow of that trust, carrying hope, reassurance, and strength to those around us. Whether it’s a personal trial, a conflict, or a global crisis, we can boldly declare God’s peace, knowing His power is greater than any storm.

Ask yourself: Are my words fueling fear or fostering peace? Am I trusting in God’s power to calm the storms I face? Reflect on the authority Jesus has given you as His follower and commit to using your words and His name to bring peace, not only to your life but to the lives of others.

Reflection Questions:

  1. What storms are you facing, and how can you speak God’s peace into them?

  2. Are there situations where your words have fueled fear or negativity instead of faith and peace?

  3. How can you use your words to encourage and calm someone going through a storm?

Lord, I confess that I have not always spoken words of peace and faith. Sometimes, I let fear or doubt influence my speech. Forgive me for the times I have failed to declare Your truth. Help me to trust in Your power and boldly speak Your peace into every situation.

Jesus, thank You for the authority You have given me as Your child. Teach me to confidently declare Your peace, knowing that You are greater than any storm. Let my words reflect my faith in Your power and bring calm to those in distress. May I always rely on You as the source of true peace. Amen.

Identify a “storm” in your life or someone else’s life this week. Take a moment to pray, then boldly speak God’s peace into that situation in Jesus’ name. Whether it’s through Scripture, encouragement, or a prayer of faith, let your words reflect God’s authority over the storm.

In the midst of chaos, our words can be instruments of peace. Speak God’s promises boldly, trust in the power in His name, and watch as His peace calms the storms.


Day 56: Unity in the Spirit fosters peace

“Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” – Ephesians 4:3

Maintaining unity within the body of Christ through the bond of peace

Unity in the Spirit is a gift from God and a responsibility for believers. It reflects God’s peace at work among His people and is a testament to the world of His love and power. However, maintaining unity requires intentionality, effort, and reliance on the Holy Spirit.

Human efforts do not create the bond of peace that unites us; it is established by the Spirit of God, who dwells within every believer. As members of Christ’s body, we are called to guard and nurture this unity. This involves walking in humility, considering others more highly than ourselves, and laying aside personal preferences for the greater good. It also calls for patience, bearing with one another in love even when differences arise or others fall short.

Unity within the church doesn’t mean uniformity or the absence of disagreement. Instead, it means being united in purpose, love, and commitment to Christ despite our differences. When we make an effort to maintain unity, we honour the Lord and create an environment where His peace can flourish. The church becomes a haven of love, acceptance, and encouragement, reflecting God’s kingdom on earth.

Unfortunately, division and discord can quickly undermine unity and disrupt peace within the church. Selfishness, pride, and unresolved conflicts can create barriers that harm relationships and hinder the church’s witness to the world. This is why Paul urges us to try to maintain unity—because it requires diligence, selflessness, and a commitment to reconciliation.

We must rely on God’s grace and strength to maintain unity in the Spirit. The Spirit empowers us to walk in love, forgive freely, and serve others wholeheartedly. When we intentionally promote unity, we experience the joy and peace of living in harmony with one another. Moreover, our unity becomes a powerful testimony of God’s transformative work, drawing others to Him.

Reflection Questions:

  1. What steps do you currently take to foster unity within your church or community?
  2. Are there any attitudes or actions in your life that may hinder the unity of the Spirit?
  3. How can you show humility, patience, and love to someone in your church this week?
  4. How can maintaining unity within the body of Christ reflect God’s peace to the world?
  5. How can you rely more on the Holy Spirit to guide you in preserving the bond of peace?

Father, I confess I have not always contributed to unity in Your church. Forgive me for moments when my pride, selfishness, or indifference has caused division. Help me value the Spirit’s unity and act in ways that promote peace and harmony among believers.

Lord, thank You for the bond of peace that unites Your people through the Spirit. Help me to be a peacemaker in Your church. Fill me with humility to put others before myself, patience to bear with one another in love, and wisdom to resolve conflicts graciously. Let my actions reflect Your heart and strengthen the unity of the body of Christ.

Take one intentional action this week to promote unity within your church or community. This could involve encouraging someone, resolving a lingering conflict, volunteering in a group effort, or reaching out to build a bridge with someone you disagree with.

Unity in the Spirit strengthens the church and reflects God’s peace to the world. Take responsibility to maintain it with humility, patience, and love, allowing the Spirit to guide you in fostering harmony among believers.


Day 57: Overcoming Evil with Good

“If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord. On the contrary: ‘If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.’ Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” – Romans 12:18-21

Responding to hostility with love and peace.

Overcoming evil with good is one of the most profound ways believers can reflect the character of Christ. It requires a radical departure from our natural instincts of retaliation and self-defence. Instead of responding to hostility or wrongdoing with anger, God calls us to respond with love, kindness, and peace. This response is not rooted in weakness or passivity but in strength and trust in God’s justice.

Scripture reminds us that we are to live at peace with everyone as much as it depends on us. This does not mean we compromise truth or enable sin but prioritise reconciliation and kindness over vengeance. Choosing to love those who wrong us, to serve rather than retaliate, reflects the transformative power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. It shows that we trust God to handle justice in His perfect timing.

It’s not easy to overcome evil with good. It challenges us to lay down our pride and surrender our desire for control. Yet, this choice is liberating. When we release our anger and forgive those who hurt us, we allow God’s peace to rule in our hearts. This peace enables us to rise above the situation, showing grace instead of bitterness.

Responding with good also has the potential to disarm hostility and soften hearts. When we show love to those who oppose us, it reflects God’s love for humanity—a love that reached out to us even while we were still sinners. Our acts of kindness can testify to God’s grace and lead others to question their actions and beliefs.

Reflection on overcoming evil with good leads us to examine our hearts. Do we truly trust God to handle justice, or do we hold onto grudges? Are we willing to reflect His character, even when uncomfortable or inconvenient? Choosing to overcome evil with good is a daily decision to reflect Christ and walk in His peace.

Reflection Questions:

  1. How do you typically respond to hostility or negativity? Are your responses more focused on retaliation or peace?
  2. Is there someone in your life who has wronged you, and how can you respond to them with kindness and love?
  3. What does it mean for you personally to “leave room for God’s wrath” instead of seeking revenge?
  4. How can trusting God’s justice free you to live at peace with others?
  5. What practical way can you overcome evil with good in your relationships or community this week?

Lord, I confess I have not always responded to hostility with love and peace. Sometimes, my pride or anger guided my actions. Forgive me for these moments, and help me choose Your ways over mine.

Father, thank You for showing me how to overcome evil with good through Jesus’ example. Teach me to trust in Your justice and to respond to hostility with love, kindness, and peace. Let my actions reflect Your character and draw others closer to You.

This week, intentionally respond to hostility, negativity, or unkindness with love and patience. It could be a word of encouragement, a prayer for someone who has wronged you, or an act of service for someone difficult to love or mercy to someone who has accused you wrongfully. Let your actions reflect God’s peace and goodness.

Love and peace are powerful tools to overcome evil. They reflect God’s transformative work in our lives and demonstrate His grace to the world. Choose love and peace in every situation, trusting God to handle the rest.

Day 58: Spreading Peace Through Acts of Kindness

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” – Galatians 6:9

Sharing God’s peace through intentional acts of kindness.

As ambassadors of God’s peace, we are called to share His love in practical ways. Acts of kindness, no matter how small, can break barriers, heal wounds, and reflect the peace of Christ in tangible ways. Whether offering encouragement, meeting a need, or simply being present for someone, these actions speak volumes about God’s character and heart.

Kindness often requires intentionality and selflessness. It means putting aside our agendas to focus on the needs of others. It may cost us time, effort, or resources, but the rewards are eternal. When we choose to act in kindness, we become vessels of God’s peace, demonstrating His care and love in a world often filled with strife and indifference.

Ask yourself: How can I be a channel of God’s peace today? Who in my life needs a touch of kindness? Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in recognising opportunities to share God’s peace through your actions.

Reflection Questions:

  • How has an act of kindness impacted your life in the past?
  • What small but meaningful ways can you show God’s love to others today?
  • Are there opportunities in your daily routine where you can intentionally spread peace through kindness?

Lord, I confess that I sometimes overlook opportunities to show kindness. Forgive me for focusing on myself instead of those around me. Help me to be intentional about spreading Your peace through my actions.

Father, thank You for the kindness You have shown me. Help me to reflect Your love to others through acts of kindness. Open my eyes to the needs around me and give me the courage to step out in faith, sharing Your peace with those who need it.

Perform at least one intentional act of kindness today. It could be as simple as encouraging someone with a kind word, buying someone a coffee, or helping a neighbour. Be a tangible reminder of God’s peace in someone’s life.

Kindness is a practical expression of God’s peace. Through intentional acts of love, we can reflect His heart and bring light to the world around us.


Day 59: The Reward of Peace

Whatever you have learned, received, heard from, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. – Philippians 4:9

Experiencing God’s presence as we live in peace.

God’s peace is not just a feeling or an abstract concept—it is deeply connected to His presence. When we practice peace in our thoughts, words, and actions, we create an atmosphere where His Spirit can dwell and work. Peace becomes more than an external pursuit; it becomes a lifestyle that flows from the inside out.

Paul’s words in Philippians remind us that peace is not accidental. It requires intentional effort and daily practice. As we learn from God’s Word and Christ’s example, we are called to live out these teachings in every aspect of our lives. This involves cultivating peace in our relationships, inner thoughts, and our responses to challenges.

Practising peace means actively choosing to let go of fear, anxiety, and conflict and instead trusting in God’s sovereignty and goodness. It requires obedience to His Word, a willingness to forgive, and a commitment to unity with others. When we align our lives with God’s principles, His peace becomes a guiding and sustaining force.

The reward of peace is the assurance of God’s presence. Walking in peace reminds us that God is near, working in and through us. His peace guards our hearts and minds, giving us stability in life’s uncertainties. It also serves as a testimony to the world, showing others the transformative power of living in harmony with God.

As you reflect on this truth, consider the areas in your life where peace may be lacking. Are there habits or attitudes you need to surrender to God? Are there relationships that need healing? Practising peace is a daily choice, but the rewards are eternal: God’s presence, guidance, and sustaining power.

Reflection Questions:

  1. How does practising peace in your daily life invite God’s presence?
  2. Are there any habits or thoughts in your life that disrupt your peace? How can you surrender them to God?
  3. In what ways has God’s peace been a sustaining force for you during difficult times?
  4. How can you practice peace in your relationships and actions more intentionally?
  5. What changes can you make today to align your life more closely with God’s call to live in peace?

Lord, I confess I have not always practised peace as You have called me to. At times, I have allowed anxiety, fear, or conflict to take root in my life. Forgive me, and help me to walk in obedience to Your Word, trusting in Your peace.

Father, thank You for being the God of peace who is always near. Help me to live a life that reflects Your peace in all I do. Guide me in my thoughts, words, and actions so I can be a vessel of Your presence to the world. May Your peace sustain and direct me in every situation, and let my life testify of Your goodness and faithfulness.

Take time today to reflect on the lessons you have learned about peace this month. Identify specific ways to practice peace daily—in your thoughts, words, and actions. Commit to making these practices a part of your lifestyle.

God’s peace is a precious gift that ushers His presence into every area of our lives. Practice it faithfully, and you will experience its sustaining and guiding power. Let peace flow through every area of your life as a testimony of God’s transformative work.


Day 60 (Every Leap Year):

Questions to encourage deep reflection and help individuals identify and remove barriers preventing them from fully embracing God’s peace.

Self-Reflection on Barriers to Peace:

  1. What are the most significant sources of anxiety or unrest in your life right now?
  2. What past experiences or hurts make it difficult to trust in God’s peace?
  3. Are there specific fears that keep you from fully embracing the peace of God?
  4. In what ways do you allow circumstances to dictate your level of peace?
  5. How do you react when life feels chaotic? What does that reveal about your inner peace?

Examining Your Relationship with God’s Peace:

  1. How would your life change if you genuinely walked in the peace that God gives?
  2. What does it mean for you to “wear the shoes of the gospel of peace” in your daily life?
  3. How often do you rest in God’s presence and allow Him to renew your peace?
  4. What does God’s Word say about peace, and how does that challenge your current mindset?

Breaking Through to a Life of Peace:

  1. What steps can you take to replace worry with trust in God?
  2. Are there any unresolved conflicts in your life that are disrupting your peace? How can you take steps toward reconciliation?
  3. How can you become a peacemaker in your home, workplace, and community?
  4. In what ways can you choose peace over frustration when facing challenges?
  5. How can you shift your focus from problems to God’s promises?

Applying Peace in Real Life:

  1. How can you make room for God’s peace in your daily routine?
  2. What practical habits can you develop to cultivate a mindset of peace?
  3. How does sharing the gospel with others increase your sense of peace?
  4. What role does gratitude play in experiencing lasting peace?
  5. What would it look like to fully surrender your worries to God today?


Janice James
Janice James